Monday, 13 April 2015

The epiphany lives on

Today is Day Thirteen and I'm feeling good -- despite having my worst night post-hospital and being very grumpy this morning!

I'm feeling good because the writing is coming to me so easily. And this is purely down to my continued epiphany attitude (growth mindset!). Instead of thinking 'this is good' or 'this is bad' I'm thinking about the future.

So I may write something that I particularly like and think 'oh, I really like the way that I did that'. Go me!

Or I may write paragraph after paragraph of terribly boring explanation and suddenly think 'oh, I'm definitely telling and not showing. I should be mindful to move things along with action rather than explanation.' But I'm not sitting around beating myself up for the 'bad' writing. I'm not lamenting how crap I am (even though I know that I'm churning out a lot of crap!). Instead of anguishing over 'bad' writing, I simply change course and continue in a different direction. Moving forward in a positive way!

It's about practise, trying new things, learning, coming up with new ideas, and taking note of the things that I'll do differently next time.

All of this fits in very well with the card for Day Thirteen:
with each day of writing you're developing the kind of thickened skin and world-wise writing experience that will serve  you well for the rest of your life.

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