Friday 3 April 2015

Just keep pedalling

Yesterday I wrote a massive 3,162 words. This takes my grand total to 4,078. And it means I earned my first gold star. (And Rebecca doesn't get her toilet cleaned, sorry babe!).

Here's what I learned from yesterday's marathon writing experience:
  1. I can write 3,162 words in a day and still fit in my naps.
  2. It's difficult to write 3,162 words in a day and I should not aim for this on most days.
  3. It's best to try to always meet the 1,667 daily goal so that I don't feel pressure to make up the amount the next day. 1,667 is more achievable than anything beyond 1,667.
  4.  I will write some absolute drivel.
  5. I just have to keep pedalling.
It's gone noon and I'm still in bed. The uncomfortable sleeping of someone with a broken sternum isn't really helping and I fear that I may be getting a bit down.  It's okay to feel this way and it's definitely okay to rest. But it's not okay to use either of these things as an excuse to quit.

I have quit so many things in my life. I'm a real hobby junkie.  I will not quit this.  The subject of quitting will surely come back at another date when I'm truly feeling tempted. It's then that I'll bore you with my favourite topic of fixed / growth mindsets. Today is only Day Three and I cannot really entertain the idea.

But I will mention one thing about quitting. In Grade Ten, I quit French after only one week of attending the class. And of all the things that I've quit, this is the one that I'm most pleased with. Instead of French, I took up Keyboarding. Now I type on average 85 words a minute. This makes typing 1,667 words much easier. In theory, it means I should be able to complete my daily goal in less than twenty minutes. I find this knowledge reassuring.

Day Three card reads: Abandon the stultifying notion of brilliance and aim instead for the low mark of completion.

1 comment:

  1. Oh god damn it!!!! Who's gonna clean my loo!! Environmental health will be around soon!!!

    Rebecca (and Barkley)
