Monday 20 April 2015

In need of some KA-POW

I managed just over a 1,000 words today, which is about ten times as many as yesterday. So that's a good thing! But it's of course nowhere near as many as I need to make up the lost ground (and also not enough for a gold star).

There is a distinct lack of enthusiasm for my story creeping in to my writing. I need something exciting to happen next, to bring the story back to life for me. To fill it with colour and KA-POW. My story arc has been slowly building but it feels like it's been building up to nothing.

I guess this is why most people write with a plan or a structure in mind -- unlike me who allows her fingers to make up the drama on a whim.  My climax is still a complete mystery to me.  I'm hoping my fingers will have a magical intervention overnight and come up with some KA-POW in the morning. Fingers crossed!


  1. I've read about a lot of writers letting their characters take the lead; they literally don't know what they're going to do next. Maybe the question isn't about what will now make the story interesting, but what would your character do at this point? Rather than throw something in that might throw the reader off, getting into the mind of your character could reveal a deeper layer that draws them in even further. Good luck, am so excited to read it!

    1. Great advice, thanks Nat! Will give it a go today and let you know how I get on. Thank you sooooooooooooooo much for your support!!!!!!!!!

  2. I've finally managed to get to the blog with one day left, and i'm so miffed I didn't understand what was going on from the start. Sorry to have missed the whole build up. What a fantastic idea and effort. Go girl can do it, I have absolute faith in you. When can we check out the fruits of your labour? Love xxxxx
