So far, this month has been one of two journeys.
The first is the obvious journey from hospital to home, from surgery to recovery. I'm finding this to be a tougher journey than I expected. But nowhere near as bad as so many other people's journeys and I feel guilty to complain here for what are, indeeed, very minor complaints. Feeling uncomfortable. Finding it difficult to sneeze, cough, or belly-ache laugh. Not sleeping very well. Being oh so tired. All a bit sorry for myself really! And I hate feeling sorry for myself because I
know that so many people in the world are so worse off than me.
In fact, I should be feeling the complete
opposite of sorry for myself. I should be grateful every second of every day for the NHS. So incredibly grateful for the amazing surgeon and doctors. Grateful for the absolutely phenomenal professionalism and complete compassion of the nurses (please please please if you know any nurses, give them a huge massive hug RIGHT NOW). Grateful for the especially overly generous, loving, and outstanding care from the Hopkins. Grateful for the utterly-unable-to-ever-thank-properly, day-in-day-out-putting-up-with-me, deep love, and never-ending support from Paddy. And, of course, grateful for having such a wide circle of comfort and encouragement from beautiful friends and family who have sent texts, read / commented on this blog, made phone calls, posted cards, sent absolutely gorgeous flowers and a fruit basket, and been able to come and visit me. See, I am one very very very lucky lady.
Actually, writing this blog post is really helping me to snap out of my 'feeling sorry for myself' self. It's helpful to remember that the 'oh poor me I'm not healing as quickly as I would like' self is not a very attractive self. And it's a self that is completely overlooking all of the people that I am so grateful to have in my life, and also the actual medical advancements that I have to be grateful for. Grateful to be born in 1981 and not 1881. Grateful that in a few weeks this will all be a distant memory as I go forward on yet another journey - the one called 'The Rest of My Life' where anything is possible.
As to my second journey this month, having the book to write has kept me half-way sane at a time when it's easy to focus on the small details and forget the grand scheme. I'm a bit behind in my words. Today I crossed the 23,000 mark. So I'm making progress. And every day that I write (I haven't quite been writing every day), my characters keep surprising me which is quite fun! It actually feels like someone else is writing the book and my fingers are just the conduit. So I will continue on this journey to see where we all end up (me and my characters).